Sunday, February 5, 2012

To have a pet a pet or Not that is the question??

One thing I remember growing up in Samoa, there were always these malnourished looking dogs and cats roaming the streets.  We always had pets, cats and dogs that were once cute and  i guess turned out to be more like stray animals that would not leave our house after a while.  For a while I loved animals and even thought that I would one day be a veternarian, I guess after puberty I realized there were more important things than animals, since then I have not been so fond of animals other than seeing them at the zoo or on tv.  However, now that I have children, the topic of having a pet keeps coming up especially since my sister Scilla's kids just got a dog.  Siale was really adament until I took him on a special trip to the park to go dog watching, we watched as a dog so effortlessly took a dump near a tree and the owner of the dog beant down almost with disgust to pick it up.  Soon after another dog does his business and the cycle continues.  After careful consideration Siale realized he did not want a dog after all. 

Unfortunately the same approach did not work on Ms. Kuulei, she embraced the idea and promised she could clean up their mess.  The truth of the matter was, Sorry Kuulei mommy was not ready to have this responsibility.  So imagine my excitement when I saw a sign up sheet at her preschool asking parents to petsit their school pets for the weekend.  So, so far we have signed up three times, two times to watch a pet taratula and a pet bunny.  The best part of this adventure was, well, you guessed it, we always get to take it back....
Kuulei and Webby the Tarantula

Kuulei and SnowFlake Bacon

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